
GROUP BY 子句用於根據一組指定的群組表達式對列進行分組,並根據一個或多個指定的聚合函數對列群組計算聚合。Spark 也支援進階聚合,透過 GROUPING SETSCUBEROLLUP 子句針對同一個輸入記錄集進行多重聚合。群組表達式與進階聚合可以在 GROUP BY 子句中混合使用,並在 GROUPING SETS 子句中巢狀。在 Mixed/Nested Grouping Analytics 區段中查看更多詳細資料。當 FILTER 子句附加到聚合函數時,只有符合條件的列會傳遞給該函數。


GROUP BY group_expression [ , group_expression [ , ... ] ] [ WITH { ROLLUP | CUBE } ]

GROUP BY { group_expression | { ROLLUP | CUBE | GROUPING SETS } (grouping_set [ , ...]) } [ , ... ]


aggregate_name ( [ DISTINCT ] expression [ , ... ] ) [ FILTER ( WHERE boolean_expression ) ]



CREATE TABLE dealer (id INT, city STRING, car_model STRING, quantity INT);
    (100, 'Fremont', 'Honda Civic', 10),
    (100, 'Fremont', 'Honda Accord', 15),
    (100, 'Fremont', 'Honda CRV', 7),
    (200, 'Dublin', 'Honda Civic', 20),
    (200, 'Dublin', 'Honda Accord', 10),
    (200, 'Dublin', 'Honda CRV', 3),
    (300, 'San Jose', 'Honda Civic', 5),
    (300, 'San Jose', 'Honda Accord', 8);

-- Sum of quantity per dealership. Group by `id`.
SELECT id, sum(quantity) FROM dealer GROUP BY id ORDER BY id;
| id|sum(quantity)|
|100|           32|
|200|           33|
|300|           13|

-- Use column position in GROUP by clause.
SELECT id, sum(quantity) FROM dealer GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
| id|sum(quantity)|
|100|           32|
|200|           33|
|300|           13|

-- Multiple aggregations.
-- 1. Sum of quantity per dealership.
-- 2. Max quantity per dealership.
SELECT id, sum(quantity) AS sum, max(quantity) AS max FROM dealer GROUP BY id ORDER BY id;
| id|sum|max|
|100| 32| 15|
|200| 33| 20|
|300| 13|  8|

-- Count the number of distinct dealer cities per car_model.
SELECT car_model, count(DISTINCT city) AS count FROM dealer GROUP BY car_model;
|   car_model|count|
| Honda Civic|    3|
|   Honda CRV|    2|
|Honda Accord|    3|

-- Sum of only 'Honda Civic' and 'Honda CRV' quantities per dealership.
SELECT id, sum(quantity) FILTER (
            WHERE car_model IN ('Honda Civic', 'Honda CRV')
        ) AS `sum(quantity)` FROM dealer
    GROUP BY id ORDER BY id;
| id|sum(quantity)|
|100|           17|
|200|           23|
|300|            5|

-- Aggregations using multiple sets of grouping columns in a single statement.
-- Following performs aggregations based on four sets of grouping columns.
-- 1. city, car_model
-- 2. city
-- 3. car_model
-- 4. Empty grouping set. Returns quantities for all city and car models.
SELECT city, car_model, sum(quantity) AS sum FROM dealer
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((city, car_model), (city), (car_model), ())
    ORDER BY city;
|     city|   car_model|sum|
|     null|        null| 78|
|     null| HondaAccord| 33|
|     null|    HondaCRV| 10|
|     null|  HondaCivic| 35|
|   Dublin|        null| 33|
|   Dublin| HondaAccord| 10|
|   Dublin|    HondaCRV|  3|
|   Dublin|  HondaCivic| 20|
|  Fremont|        null| 32|
|  Fremont| HondaAccord| 15|
|  Fremont|    HondaCRV|  7|
|  Fremont|  HondaCivic| 10|
| San Jose|        null| 13|
| San Jose| HondaAccord|  8|
| San Jose|  HondaCivic|  5|

-- Group by processing with `ROLLUP` clause.
-- Equivalent GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((city, car_model), (city), ())
SELECT city, car_model, sum(quantity) AS sum FROM dealer
    GROUP BY city, car_model WITH ROLLUP
    ORDER BY city, car_model;
|     city|   car_model|sum|
|     null|        null| 78|
|   Dublin|        null| 33|
|   Dublin| HondaAccord| 10|
|   Dublin|    HondaCRV|  3|
|   Dublin|  HondaCivic| 20|
|  Fremont|        null| 32|
|  Fremont| HondaAccord| 15|
|  Fremont|    HondaCRV|  7|
|  Fremont|  HondaCivic| 10|
| San Jose|        null| 13|
| San Jose| HondaAccord|  8|
| San Jose|  HondaCivic|  5|

-- Group by processing with `CUBE` clause.
-- Equivalent GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((city, car_model), (city), (car_model), ())
SELECT city, car_model, sum(quantity) AS sum FROM dealer
    GROUP BY city, car_model WITH CUBE
    ORDER BY city, car_model;
|     city|   car_model|sum|
|     null|        null| 78|
|     null| HondaAccord| 33|
|     null|    HondaCRV| 10|
|     null|  HondaCivic| 35|
|   Dublin|        null| 33|
|   Dublin| HondaAccord| 10|
|   Dublin|    HondaCRV|  3|
|   Dublin|  HondaCivic| 20|
|  Fremont|        null| 32|
|  Fremont| HondaAccord| 15|
|  Fremont|    HondaCRV|  7|
|  Fremont|  HondaCivic| 10|
| San Jose|        null| 13|
| San Jose| HondaAccord|  8|
| San Jose|  HondaCivic|  5|

--Prepare data for ignore nulls example
CREATE TABLE person (id INT, name STRING, age INT);
    (100, 'Mary', NULL),
    (200, 'John', 30),
    (300, 'Mike', 80),
    (400, 'Dan', 50);

--Select the first row in column age
SELECT FIRST(age) FROM person;
| first(age, false)  |
| NULL               |

--Get the first row in column `age` ignore nulls,last row in column `id` and sum of column `id`.
| first(age, true)  | last(id, false)  | sum(id)  |
| 30                | 400              | 1000     |